Rule Of Thumb For Welding Consumables And Parameters
This article is an introductory lesson for General Thumb rule widely adopted in Welding at Fabrication Shop A basic
understanding of related terminology is assumed.
Fabrication General Welding Thumb Rules
Rule of Thumb for welding consumables and Parameters
Terminology used in Formulas
Thumb Rule for MIG Welding Voltage
Thumb Rule for MIG Welding Gas Flow
Thumb Rule for Welding Deposition Rate
Prefered MIG Welding StickOut Range
Welding Wire dia Widely Adopted in World
Welding Techniques
Terminology Used In Formulas
d Wire Diameter
I Current
t Sheet Thickness
lpm liters per Meter
A Ampere
V Volts
mpm Meter Per Minute
IPM Inch Per Minute
Thumb Rule For MIG Welding Current
Setting the Right Amperage everytime
Current = (40 x t) + 30 A
Thumb Rule For MIG Welding Voltage
Voltage = (.04 x I) + 16 ± 2 V
Thumb Rule For MIG Welding Gas Flow
Gas Flow Rate = d x 10 lpm
Thumb Rule For Welding Deposition Rate
Welding Deposition Rate = [(Wire Feeder speed(IPS) x Wire Weight x 60)/ 1000 ] KG/Hr
Prefered MIG Welding StickOut Range
0mm to 12mm
Welding Wire Dia Widely Adopted In World
0.8 mm
1.0 mm
1.2 mm
1.6 mm
Welding Techniques
Push right to left,10° – 20°, fast and low penetration
Perpendicular robot , 90° to workpiece , not possible manually
Pull Left to right ,10° – 20° ,High penetration